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KRIS E. Marin Sonoma: Chart Table Page

Area Corte Madera Creek
Topic Sediment: Total Sediment Yield Estimates for Corte Madera Creek

Caption:  The Chart Table table10_stetson.xls.db shows the estimated sediment yields for Corte Madera Creek at Ross from several different studies. Stetson Engineers, Inc. collected this information and generated their own model outputs as part of their geomorphic assessment of the Corte Madera Creek Watershed. See the KRIS Bibliography for their full report. Location is the point of sediment yield estimation. AREA_SQ_MI is the area of the Corte Madera Creek watershed at Ross in square miles. PERIOD_BEGIN is the beginning period of the sediment budget. PERIOD_END is the ending period of the sediment budget. TOTAL_SED is the total estimated sediment yield in tons per square mile per year. SUSP_SED is the amount of suspended sediment as part of the sediment yield in tons per square mile per year. BEDLOAD_SED is the amount of bedload sediment material as part of the total sediment yield in tons per square mile per year. PCT_BEDLOAD is the percentage of the sediment yield as bedload. SOURCE shows the study sources for each estimate. Stetson (2000) 1 uses the Parker-Klingeman shear values and Stetson (2000) 2 uses the USFS shear values.

 50 rows of a possible 510 have been displayed.
Corte Madera CkRoss16197819781456119426117.9USGS (1978)
Corte Madera CkRoss1619791979369255205.4USGS (1979)
Corte Madera CkRoss1619801980197518761035.2USGS (1980)
Corte Madera CkRoss16197619996129551761310Stetson (2000) 1
Corte Madera CkRoss16197619992951265529510Stetson (2000) 2

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