Gage Locations and Descriptions

Station name : Battle C Bl Coleman Fish Hatchery Nr Cottonwood
Station number: 11376550
latitude (ddmmss)............................. 402354
longitude (dddmmss)........................... 1220843
state code.................................... 06
county........................................ Shasta
hydrologic unit code.......................... 18020101
basin name.................................... Sacramento-Lower Cow-Lower Clear
drainage area (square miles).................. 357
contributing drainage area (square miles).....
gage datum (feet above NGVD).................. 415
base discharge (cubic ft/sec)................. 3100
WATSTORE parameter code....................... 00060
WATSTORE statistic code....................... 00003

----Date Range In File----
1 10/01/1961-09/30/1996
Station name : Battle C Nr Cottonwood Ca
Station number: 11376500
latitude (ddmmss)............................. 402350
longitude (dddmmss)........................... 1220805
state code.................................... 06
county........................................ Tehama
hydrologic unit code.......................... 18020101
basin name.................................... Sacramento-Lower Cow-Lower Clear
drainage area (square miles).................. 356
contributing drainage area (square miles).....
gage datum (feet above NGVD).................. 421.47
base discharge (cubic ft/sec)................. 2500
WATSTORE parameter code....................... 00060
WATSTORE statistic code....................... 00003
----Date Range In File----
1 10/01/1940-09/30/1961
Station name : Coleman Ph Nr Cottonwood Ca
Station number: 11376458
latitude (ddmmss)............................. 402418
longitude (dddmmss)........................... 1220716
state code.................................... 06
county........................................ Shasta
hydrologic unit code.......................... 18020118
basin name.................................... Upper Cow-Battle
drainage area (square miles)..................
contributing drainage area (square miles).....
gage datum (feet above NGVD)..................
base discharge (cubic ft/sec).................
WATSTORE parameter code....................... 00060
WATSTORE statistic code....................... 00003
----Date Range In File----
1 10/01/1978-09/30/1996
Station name : Coleman Cn Ab Coleman Forebay Nr Cottonwood Ca
Station number: 11376450
latitude (ddmmss)............................. 402508
longitude (dddmmss)........................... 1220601
state code....................................
county........................................ Shasta
hydrologic unit code.......................... 18020118
basin name.................................... Upper Cow-Battle
drainage area (square miles)..................
contributing drainage area (square miles).....
gage datum (feet above NGVD)..................
base discharge (cubic ft/sec).................
WATSTORE parameter code....................... 00060
WATSTORE statistic code....................... 00003
----Date Range In File----
1 10/01/1978-09/30/1985
Discharge is listed in the table in cubic feet per second.

Daily mean discharge data were retrieved from the
National Water Information System files called ADAPS.

NOTE these files was requested from the NWIS-W software package
on Wed Aug 5 1998
Dates are now in format.