LIBRARY: Battle Creek LAYER NAME: Canals (vs streams) The USGS 1:100000 stream coverage included both natural streams and irrigation and hydropower diversion canals. Dr. Paul Trichilo worked with Mike Ward of Terraqua Inc. to define the subset of streams that was actually canals. NOTE ON DATA QUALITY: These data are not intended for use other than within KRIS Battle Creek Version 2.0 and the hydrography map of Battle Creek needs substantial improvement. Stream segments in headwaters are incompletely mapped and center lines of streams are off, which makes automated calculation of any riparian attributes or associations imprecise. USGS 1:100000 METADATA FROM BELOW******************************************************* COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: The hydrography layer consists of flowing waters (rivers and streams), standing waters (lakes and ponds), and wetlands--both natural and manmade. Two separate feature types are represented: polygons (areas) and lines. Polygon features have attribute codes that identify water bodies such as lakes, wide river segments, or swamps. Line features have attribute codes that represent streams or shorelines. The hydrography layer was assembled from data originally published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Digital Line Graph (DLG-3) format. DLG-3 data were generated by USGS from 1:100,000-scale maps by manual digitizing and raster scanning. The tiles are numbered from 1 to 33, northwest to southeast, and this numeric code is contained in the item HYSNUM. A separate item, HSCKEY, contains a number unique to each arc within a tile. HSCKEY and HYSNUM are combined to form a primary key item, TDCKEY, which uniquely identifies every hydrograhy arc record statewide. Hydrographic feature records in the arc attribute tables (AAT) may be related (linked or joined) with corresponding RF3 records in DS3 tables on the item TDCKEY, which is present in both tables. Users are cautioned to verify the integrity of AAT - DS3 relations, as instances of many DS3 records relating to one AAT record are known to occur. Reach File data, documentation, and technical support are provided through the USEPA Office of Water's STORET User Assistance Group at 800-424-9067. STORET is the USEPA's national water quality information system. VITAL STATISTICS: Datum: NAD 27 Projection: UTM zone 10 Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): 0 Source: USGS DLG-3 (optional format) Source Media: Magnetic tape (80 byte records) Source Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator UTM Zones 10 Source Units: Meters Source Scale: 1:100,000 Capture Method: Scanned, digitized Conversion Software: ARC/Info rev 5.0.1 Data Structure: Vector ARC/INFO Coverage Type: NET (Line, polygon) ARC/INFO Precision: Double ARC/INFO Tolerances: 0 to 200 meters Number of Features: 16,077 Layer Size: 116.970 MB Data Updated: September 1993 (added RF3 line feature table) DATA DICTIONARY: ARC ATTRIBUTE TABLE (AAT) DATAFILE NAME: strms100.AAT LINE attribute fields (USGS DLG Hydrography line elements): COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 25 STRMS100# 4 5 B - 29 STRMS100-ID 4 5 B - 33 MAJOR1 6 6 I - 39 MINOR1 6 6 I - 45 MINOR2 6 6 I - 51 MINOR3 6 6 I - 57 HUC 8 8 I - 65 SEG 4 4 I - 69 RMI 5 5 N 2 74 STR-NAME 30 30 C - 104 HSCKEY 6 6 I - 110 HYSNUM 2 2 I - 112 RF3RCHID 17 17 C - 129 MILE 5 5 N 2 134 STR_TYPE 16 16 I - FNODE# : The id number of the node feature that represents the beginning point (the From NODE) of the arc. TNODE# : The id number of the node feature that represents the ending point (To NODE) of the arc. LPOLY# : The # id of the polygon that lies to the left of this arc when facing in the direction of the TNODE. This is blank if there is no polygon topology. RPOLY# : The # id of the polygon that lies to the right of this arc when facing in the direction of the TNODE. This is blank if there Is no polygon topology. LENGTH : The length of the arc in coverage units. PRJ1STMS# : The software-assigned unique integer identification number. PRJ1STMS-ID : A user-assigned identifier number. Where PRJ1STMS-ID is negative (-ID < 0), arc is an artificial neat line (coverage or tile boundary). MAJOR[1 - 5]: See below. MINOR[1 - 5]: See below. FLOW: If equal to 1, flow direction is defined; if equal to 0, no direction is defined. HSCKEY: Unique number for each hydrographic feature within a single tile. Ranges from 1 to over 20,000 in some tiles. Item was created for RF3 use. Concatenated with HYSNUM to create TDCKEY. HYSNUM: Hydrography tile sequence number, ranges from 1 to 33. Item was created for RF3 use. Concatenated to HSCKEY to produce TDCKEY. MAJOR1-5: Major codes denote hydrography (code 50) as the major feature category to which a line element belongs (as opposed to property boundaries, roads, etc within DLGs). MINOR1-5: Minor codes assign up to five descriptive subcategories to any single hydrography line element. Major Minor Code # Code # Element Description ------ ------ ------------------- 50 200 Shoreline 50 201 Man-made shoreline 50 202 Closure line 50 203 Indefinite shoreline 50 204 Apparent Limit 50 205 Outline of a Carolina bay 50 206 Danger curve 50 400 Rapids 50 401 Falls 50 402 Gravel pit/quarry filled w/water 50 403 Gaging station 50 404 Pumping station 50 405 Water intake 50 406 Dam or weir 50 407 Canal lock or sluice gate 50 408 Spillway 50 409 Gate(flood,tidal,head,check) 50 410 Rock 50 411 Crevasse 50 412 Stream 50 413 Braided stream 50 414 Ditch or canal 50 415 Aqueduct 50 416 Flume 50 417 Penstock 50 418 Siphon 50 419 Channel in water area 50 420 Wash or ephemeral drain 50 421 Lake or pond 50 422 Coral reef 50 423 Sand in open water 50 424 Spoil area 50 425 Fish ladders 50 601 Underground 50 602 Overpassing 50 603 Elevated 50 604 Tunnel 50 605 Right bank 50 606 Left bank 50 607 Under construction 50 608 Salt 50 609 Unsurveyed 50 610 Intermittent 50 611 Abandoned or discontinued 50 612 Submerged or sunken 50 613 Wooded 50 614 Dry 50 615 Mineral or hot (sulphur,alkali,etc.) 50 616 Navigable transportation 50 617 Underpassing 50 618 Earthen construction 50 000 Photorevised feature 05N --- Water surface elevation, actual or interpolated. N = elevation units 1=feet 2=meters 6=feet below datum 7=meters below datum 053 --- Angle of clockwise rotation (nearest whole degree) 055 --- River mile, value in four spaces, right justified 058 000 Best estimate of classification or position 059 0-- Coincident feature ---- RELATED TABLE The US EPA River Reach File version 3 (RF3-alpha) DS3 table structure is presented below. One DS3 table exists for each of the 33 ARC/INFO hydrography coverages. Each DS3 table is related to its respective hydrography coverage arc attribute table (AAT) on the item TDCKEY. The file is sorted by TDCKEY in sequenctial ordered. Reach File Reference Information and DS3 attribute Descriptions: ( US EPA River Reach File, version 3-alpha (RF3-alpha) attributes: DATAFILE NAME: PRJ1STMS.DS2 RECORD LENGTH: 433 COL ITEM NAME WIDTH TYPE DESCRIPTION (see details below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 TDCKEY 8 I Teale hydrography primary key 9 CU 8 I Cataloging Unit (aka HUC); 149 total in CA 17 SEG 4 I Segment, unique within a CU 21 MI 5 C Marker Index, unique within a SEG 26 UPMI 5 C Upstream Marker Index 31 RFLAG 1 C Routing flag (0,1) 32 OWFLAG 1 C Open Water reach flag (0,1) 33 TFLAG 1 C Terminal reach flag (0,1) 34 SFLAG 1 C Start reach flag (0,1) 35 REACHTYPE 1 C Type of Reach (A to Z) 36 LEVEL 2 I Stream level code 38 JUNC 2 I Level of downstream reach 40 DIVERGENCE 1 I Divergent junction type code 41 USDIR 1 C Direction of flow of upstream reach 42 TERMID 5 I Terminal stream ID 47 TRMBLV 1 I Terminal base level code 48 PNAME 30 C Primary name of surface water feature 78 PNMCD 11 C Primary name code 89 CNAME 30 C Compliment name 119 CNMCD 11 C Compliment name code 130 OWNAME 30 C Open water name 160 OWNMCD 11 C Open water name code 171 DSCU 8 I Downstream CU 179 DSSEG 4 I Downstream SEG 183 DSMI 5 C Downstream MI 188 CCU 8 I Compliment CU 196 CSEG 4 I Compliment SEG 200 CMI 5 C Compliment MI 205 CDIR 1 C Compliment direction, looking upstream 206 ULCU 8 I Upstream, left CU 214 ULSEG 4 I Upstream, left SEG 218 ULMI 5 C Upstream, left MI 223 URCU 8 I Upstream, right CU 231 URSEG 4 I Upstream, right SEG 235 URMI 5 C Upstream, right MI 240 SEGL 6 N Length of reach (miles and hundredths) 246 RFORGFLAG 1 I Reach File origin flag (1,2,3) 247 ALTPNMCD 8 I Alternate primary name code 255 ALTOWNMC 8 I Alternate open water name code 263 DLAT 8 N Downstream latitude (decimal degrees) 271 DLONG 8 N Downstream longitude 279 ULAT 8 N Upstream latitude 287 ULONG 8 N Upstream longitude 295 MINLAT 8 N Minimum latitude 303 MINLONG 8 N Minumum longitude 311 MAXLAT 8 N Maximum latitude 319 MAXLONG 8 N Maximum longitude 327 NDLGREC 4 I Number of DLG records 331 LN1AT2 4 I DLG line attribute 335 LN2AT2 4 I DLG line attribute 339 AR1AT2 4 I DLG area attribute 343 AR1AT4 4 I DLG area attribute 347 AR2AT2 4 I DLG area attribute 351 AR2AT4 4 I DLG area attribute 355 UPDATE1 6 C Update date #1 361 UPDTCD1 8 C Update code #1 369 UPDTSRC1 8 C Update source #1 377 UPDATE2 6 C Update date #2 383 UPDTCD2 8 C Update code #2 391 UPDTSRC2 8 C Update source #2 [DFG Note: all DFG updates are flagged in item UPDTSRC2; details below] 399 UPDATE3 6 C Update date #3 405 UPDTCD3 8 C Update code #3 413 UPDTSRC3 8 C Update source #3 421 DIVCU 8 I Divergent CU 429 DIVSEG 4 I Divergent SEG 433 DIVMI 5 C Divergent MI 438 DLGID 6 I DLG number (special use) 444 FILLER 7 C Empty character field (future use) ** REDEFINED ITEMS ** 9 RF3RCHID 17 C ID of instant reach (RF3-alpha primary key) 171 DSRF3RCHID 17 C ID of reach downstream of instant reach 188 CURF3RCHID 17 C ID of reach compliment to instant reach 206 ULRF3RCHID 17 C ID of reach upstream left of instant reach 223 URRF3RCHID 17 C ID of reach upstream right of instant reach 421 DIVRF3RCHID 17 C ID of reach divergent from instant reach ----- DATAFILE NAME: STRMS100.AAT RECORD LENGTH: 56 Attribute Fields (USGS DLG Hydrography Area Elements): COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ----------------------------------------------------- 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 PRJ1STMS# 4 5 B - 21 PRJ1STMS-ID 4 5 B - 25 MAJOR1 4 6 B - 29 MINOR1 4 6 B - 33 MAJOR2 4 6 B - 37 MINOR2 4 6 B - 41 MAJOR3 4 6 B - 45 MINOR3 4 6 B - 49 MAJOR4 4 6 B - 53 MINOR4 4 6 B - AREA : The area of the polygon in square coverage units. PERIMETER : The length of the polygon perimeter of the polygon in coverage units. PRJ1STMS# : The software-assigned unique integer identification number. PRJ1STMS-ID : A user-assigned identification number. MAJOR1-4: Major codes denote hydrography (code 50) as the major feature category to which an area element belongs. MINOR1-4: Minor codes assign up to four descriptive subcategories to any single hydrography area element. Major Minor Code # Code # Element Description ------ ------- ------------------- 50 100 Alkali flat 50 101 Reservoir 50 102 Covered reservoir 50 103 Glacier or permanent snowfield 50 104 Salt evaporator 50 105 Inundation area 50 106 Fish hatchery or farm 50 107 Industrial water impoundment 50 108 Area to be submerged 50 109 Sewage disposal pond/filtration bed 50 110 Tailings pond 50 111 Marsh, wetland,swamp,bog 50 112 Mangrove area 50 113 Rice Field 50 114 Cranberry bog 50 115 Flats(tidal,mud,sand,gravel) 50 116 Bays,estuaries,gulfs,oceans,seas 50 117 Shoal 50 118 Soda evaporator 50 119 Duck pond 50 400 Rapids 50 401 Falls 50 402 Gravel pit/quarry filled w/water 50 403 Gaging station 50 404 Pumping station 50 405 Water intake 50 406 Dam or weir 50 407 Canal lock or sluice gate 50 408 Spillway 50 409 Gate(flood,tidal,head,check) 50 410 Rock 50 411 Crevasse 50 412 Stream 50 413 Braided stream 50 414 Ditch or canal 50 415 Aqueduct 50 416 Flume 50 417 Penstock 50 418 Siphon 50 419 Channel in water area 50 420 Wash or ephemeral drain 50 421 Lake or pond 50 422 Coral reef 50 423 Sand in open water 50 424 Spoil area 50 425 Fish ladders 50 601 Underground 50 602 Overpassing 50 603 Elevated 50 604 Tunnel 50 605 Right bank 50 606 Left bank 50 607 Under construction 50 608 Salt 50 609 Unsurveyed 50 610 Intermittent 50 611 Abandoned or discontinued 50 612 Submerged or sunken 50 613 Wooded 50 614 Dry 50 615 Mineral or hot (sulphur, alkali,etc.) 50 616 Navigable transportation 50 617 Underpassing 50 618 Earthen construction 50 000 Photorevised feature ----- DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: The following are subjective comments regarding this data. The USGS DLG features of this layer are fairly complete. The density of line work representing drainage networks appears to vary arbitrarily from quad to quad, and there are discontinuities in lines depicting streams at the edges of 100k quads. The geographic feature accuracy is fair. Contiguous features are not always matched across map sheet boundaries. The attribute completeness and accuracy of MAJOR/MINOR code pairs is good. Users are cautioned to verify drainage network connectivity and water feature names before undertaking extensive processing using RF3 data. ----- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (courtesy of Calif. Department of Fish and Game) In 1993, US EPA changed the Reach File table DS2 to DS3 and changed the MILE and related items from numeric type to character type. No data content changes were made. ----- INDEX TO 1:100,000 DLG HYDROGRAPHY ARC/INFO coverage names are composed of the prefixes shown in the statewide grid below (some are abbreviations of the USGS 1:250,000-scale quad map series names), plus the suffix PRJ1STMS for the line and polygon data layers (for example, RDPRJ1STMS, for the Redding quad). The item HYSNUM in the ARC/INFO feature attribute tables contains the indicated numeric values to reference the tile within which a given feature falls. HYSNUM QUAD NAME 126 124 122 120W 42N _____ OREGON _____ 1 CRESCENT CITY | ZF | WE | AC | 2 WEED | 1 | 2 | 3 | N 3 ALTURAS 41 |_____|_____|_____| E 4 EUREKA | EA | RD | XJ | V 5 REDDING | 4 | 5 | 6 | A 6 SUSANVILLE 40 |_____|_____|_____| D 7 UKIAH | UK | CQ | A 8 CHICO | 7 | 8 | 118 9 SANTA ROSA 39 |_____|_____|_____ 10 SACRAMENTO | X9 | SO | WK | 11 WALKER LAKE | 9 | 10 | 11 | 116 12 SAN FRANCISCO 38 |_____|_____|_____|_____ 13 SAN JOSE | SF | SJ | MZ | GU | 14 MARIPOSA | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15 GOLDFIELD 37 |_____|_____|_____|_____| 16 (no USGS name) | SX | ZP | FO | DV | 17 MONTEREY | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 114 18 FRESNO 36 |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 19 DEATH VALLEY | SL | BF | TJ | KI | 20 SAN LUIS OBISPO | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 21 BAKERSFIELD 35 |_____|_____|_____|_____| A 22 TRONA | SM | LA | SB | NE | R 23 KINGMAN | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | I 24 SANTA MARIA 34 |_____|_____|_____|_____| Z 25 LOS ANGELES | SV | LB | SN | S6 | O 26 SAN BERNARDINO | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | N 27 NEEDLES 33 |_____|_____|_____|_____| A 28 SANTA ROSA ISLAND | SD | EL | 29 LONG BEACH | 32 | 33 | 30 SANTA ANA 32 |--------------| 31 SALTON SEA MEXICO 32 SAN DIEGO 33 EL CENTRO Each quad covers an area one degree of latitude by two degrees of longitude, except as noted: ZF, WE, AC, XJ, DV and CQ coverage boundaries have been extended to include hydrographic features between the quad lines and the State Boundary; SD and SV include Channel Islands; ----- DATA CONTACTS: Contact Name: Virginia Wong-Coppin (Teale Data Center) Contact's Phone: 916-263-1489 Contact Name: Paul Veisze (California Department of Fish and Game) Contact's Phone: 916-323-1667 DOCUMENTATION DATES: 10/1995, 7/1996, 8/1996, 10/1996, 2/1997, 10/28/1997 3/6/1998 (addition of statewide coverages) 5/11/1998 (attribute updates in 6 quad coverages and in the statewide polygon coverage) February 2002: Reprojected to UTM NAD27 (no shift), and clipped to KRIS Project study area. Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Kier Associates/KRIS Project 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428