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KRIS Big River: Chart Table Page

Area North Fork Big River
Topic Habitat: Wood by Wood Type in North Fork Streams

Caption:  The chart table MRCLWDNF shows all data provided by Mendocino Redwood Company from large wood surveys in the North Fork sub-basin of the Big River. Field Definitions are as follows (select F7 for best viewing): STREAM Location in Big River basin by stream name SEG_ID MRC segment identification number SEG_LNGTH Length of segment in meters DJAMS Total number of Debris Jams (> 10 pieces) DACCUMS Total number of Debris Accumulations (3-10 pieces) FLWDD_NDJ Functional pieces per 100m w/o Debris Jams FLWDD_WDJ Functional pieces per 100m with Debris Jams KEYD_NDJ Key pieces per 100m w/o Debris Jams KEYD_WDJ Key pieces per 100m with Debris Jams PCTP_DJ Percent of total pieces in Debris Jams VLWD_NDJ Volume of large wood in cubic yards, w/o Debris Jams VLWD_WDJ Volume of large wood in cubic yards, w/o Debris Jams VKLW_NDJ Volume of key large wood in cubic yards, w/o Debris Jams PV_DA Percent volume of wood in Debris Accumulations (3-10 pieces) PV_DJ Percent volume of wood in Debris Jams (> 10 pieces) PV_KPNJ Percent volume of wood occurring as key pieces not in Debris Jams PV_FPNJ Percent volume of wood not key pieces or in accumulations or jams REDWOOD Percent volume of wood (not in jams) as redwood FIR Percent volume of wood (not in jams) as fir ALDER Percent volume of wood (not in jams) as alder HARDWOOD Percent volume of wood (not in jams) as hardwood UNKNOWN Percent volume of wood (not in jams) as unknown type SG_LNTH_F Segment length in feet OBS_SLOP Observed slope of channel in percent MXBF_D Maximum bankfull depth in feet AVBF_D Average bankfull depth in feet BF_W Bankfull width in feet WD_RAT Width to depth ratio FP_D Flood prone depth or 2*MXBF_D ENTCHMT Entrenchment as calculated by flood prone/ bankfull widths RSGN_CLS Rosgen channel classification.

 50 rows of a possible 12530 have been displayed.
NORTH FORK BIG RIVERBL3279002.152.150002.252.25000010.76000.20.059161.
NORTH FORK BIG RIVERBL1271005.535.530004.214.21000010.9600.04008891.63.9347167.8541.1F4
EAST BRANCH NF BIG RIVERBE12830218.0118.010009.659.6500.22000.780.840.06000.099291.62.11.831175551.8F4
EAST BRANCH NF BIG RIVERBE21660112.6212.622.42.408.
DUNLAP GULCHBL121002453.8485.7416.9526.920.3746.62142.6330.30.090.670.652.230.970.0100.0303299.52.51.710.965161.5A3
FRYKMAN GULCHBE14710040.6540.652.82.8022.5222.5220.27000.91.90.950.0200.0302341.71.518.283455.5B4
STEAM DONKEY GULCHBL7480133.0133.012.062.06010.0910.091.210.6200.120.50.770.
BULL TEAM GULCHBE8661458.6881.254.519.030.2833.8936.6723.720.610.

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