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KRIS Garcia River: Chart Table Page

Area Lower Garcia / Estuary
Topic Sediment: Allen Creek - Percent Fines <0.85 mm, McBain&Trush 1999

Caption:  This Chart Table, fines_085_allen_mcbaintrush.dbf, was created from the Source Table, sed_mcbain_site.dbf, and contains cumulative particle size distribution data from McBain and Trush (2000). TRIBUTARY = study tributary, SITE = study site number, PCTLT_256 = cumulative percent finer than 256 mm, PCTLT_12 = cumulative percent finer than 128 mm, PCTLT_64 = cumulative percent finer than 64 mm, PCTLT_32 = cumulative percent finer than 32 mm, PCTLT_16 = cumulative percent finer than 16 mm, PCTLT_8 = cumulative percent finer than 8 mm, PCTLT_5_6 = cumulative percent finer than 5.6 mm, PCTLT_4 = cumulative percent finer than 4 mm, PCTLT_2_8 = cumulative percent finer than 2.8 mm, PCTLT_2 = cumulative percent finer than 2 mm, PCTLT_1_4 = cumulative percent finer than 1.4 mm, PCTLT_1 = cumulative percent finer than 1 mm, PCTLT_085 = cumulative percent finer than 0.85 mm, PCTLT_05 = cumulative percent finer than 0.50 mm, PCTLT_025 = cumulative percent finer than 0.25 mm, PCTLT_0125 = cumulative percent finer than 0.125 mm.

 50 rows of a possible 77 have been displayed.

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click sed_mcbain_site.dbf (size 16,039 bytes)