cawild34c Wilderness Boundary Location 300' Setback From Primary or Secondary Highway or Freeway 100' Setback From Improved Road 30' Setback From Unimproved Road 300' Beyond River 100' Beyond Perennial Stream 30' Beyond Intermittent Stream CL Center Line of Stream 300' Setback Around Camp Ground 100' Setback From Major Utility Corridor 300' Setback From Utility Corridor ------------------------------------- Creating Proposed Wilderness Area Boundaries Using ArcInfo and ArcView 1) Using ArcInfo append together exisitng wildrness area boundaries from each NF and BLM resource area into one polygon coverage. 2) Convert to shapefile in ArcView 3.2 3) Load into ArcView; DRG's, USFS 1:24,000 roads, USFS administrative boundaries, and the new shapefile created in step 2. 4) Digitize proposed wilderness areas by editing the existing wilderness shapefile from step 2. Append and create new polygons as needed to the existing wilderness areas coverage. The digitizing process is to basically just follow the lines on the field maps. When the boundary is a road, stream, or property line, I just follow the line as close as possible. When I need to digitize boundaries on both sides of a road, I eyeball it as close to the road as possible on both sides, making sure to not cross the road. This leaves the area over the road out of the proposed wilderness area. Since a lot of the proposed wilderness area boundaries are partly made up of the USFS administrative boundaries, we are considering the idea of joining the polys from the USFS administrative boundaries coverage with the polys in the existing wilderness areas shapefile that we are currently editing. That way we would have to digitize less lines and would also be using more coincident arcs. This will help all the coverages line up nicely and make for a smooth overlay analysis. 5) Attribute fields in the dbf file with the appropiate information after creating new polygons. 6) Convert back into an ArcInfo coverage using SHPOLY.AML