Theme: Flow Monitoring Sites Flow data is collected both at permanent USGS gauges and with Portable flow meters. Gauge flow data for the Mid Klamath comes from the U.S. Geologic Survey. Flows are shared as average daily flows in cubic feet per second. Periods of record vary for each gauge. Data was downloaded off the Internet and reformatted for use in KRIS. Portable meter flow data is recorded in Cubic Feet per Second. Data is collected using Swoffer 2100 flow meters by Karuk Tribe, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and US Forest Service. Contact: Toz Soto, Karuk Fisheries Biologist Phone: 530-627-3446 ex. 46 Address: PO Box 282 Orleans, CA 95556 GIS Contact: Jim Villeponteaux, Salmon Mountain Forestry Phone: 530-462-4655 Address: HC4 Box 325 Sawyers Bar, CA 96027