LIBRARY : COUNTY LAYER NAME : PLACES COVERAGE NAME : PLACE24A COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: The 'PLACES' layer contains the locations and names of populated places in California. The source of this point coverage is the U.S. Geological Survey's Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) datafiles. These files are compiled mainly from USGS map products such as the 7.5' 1:24,000 quads. The places presented are the same ones present on USGS quad sheets. VITAL STATISTICS: Datum: NAD 27 Projection: Albers Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 (34.0 degrees N) 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 (40.5 degrees N) Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 (120.0 degrees W) Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 (0.0 degrees) False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): -4,000,000 Source: USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Source Media: Magnetic tape; digital file in ASCII format Source Projection: Geographic (latitude/longitude) Source Units: Degrees Source Scale: various Capture Method: data conversion Conversion Software ARC/INFO rev. 5.0.1 Data Structure: Vector ARC/INFO Coverage Type: Point ARC/INFO Precision: Single ARC/INFO Tolerances: Not applicable Number of Features: 5,935 Layer Size: 2.5 MB Data Updated: September 1992; October 1998 DATA DICTIONARY: DATAFILE NAME: PLACE24A.PAT RECORD LENGTH: 267 COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 - 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 - 9 GEONAMEA# 4 5 B - - 13 GEONAMEA-ID 4 5 B - - 17 FEANAME 100 80 C - - 117 FEATYPE 9 9 C - - 126 CONAME 35 35 C - - 161 STCOFIPS 5 5 C - - 166 COO 15 15 I - - 181 SOURCECOO 15 15 I - - 196 FEAELEVATION 6 6 I - - 202 QUADNAME 50 50 C - - 252 XCOO 8 10 F 6 - 260 YCOO 8 10 F 6 - AREA : 0 when the feature type is "POINT" PERIMETER : 0 when the feature type is "POINT" GEONAMEA# : The software-assigned unique integer identification number. GEONAMEA-ID : A user-assigned identifier number. FEANAME: The name of the geographic feature. FEATYPE: The feature type as classified by USGS. CONAME: County name STCOFIPS: State and county FIPS number COO: GNIS-supplied coordinates (use COOC, redefined character version) SOURCECOO: GNIS-supplied source coordinates of linear features FEAELEVATION: Elevation of the feature in feet QUADNAME: Name of the USGS quad map from which the data were taken XCOO : The X coordinate of the location in Albers meters. YCOO : The Y coordinate of the location in Albers meters. The following information is extracted from the Geographic Names Information System Data Users Guide 6, Department of the Interior, U.S Geological Survey, 1987. APPENDIX B.--Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Feature Class Definitions The feature class terms and abbreviations currently consist of nine or fewer letters and were chosen for computer search and retrieval pur- poses. They do not necessarily represent terminology for the identifi- cation of all kinds of cultural and natural features. Although some of the terms may agree with dictionary definitions, they represent more generalized categories. Some commonly used generics are listed in paren- theses at the end of each entry to assist in understanding the range of cultural and natural entities represented by the term. Refer to the Reference Data Base to retrieve all generics thus far encountered in geographic names compilation. In most instances a plural form is listed as if it were singular; for example, archipelago or islands would be categorized as island. The terms and the definitions are as follows: airport - manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip). arch - natural arch-like opening in a rock mass (bridge, natural bridge, sea arch). area - any one of several areally extensive natural features not included in other categories (badlands, barren, delta, fan, garden). arroyo - watercourse or channel through which water may occasionally flow (coulee, draw, gully, wash). bar - natural accumulation of sand, gravel, or alluvium forming an underwater or exposed embankment (ledge, reef, sandbar, shoal, spit). basin - natural depression or relatively low area enclosed by higher land (amphitheater, cirque, pit, sink). bay - indentation of a coastline or shoreline enclosing a part of a body of water; a body of water partly surrounded by land (arm, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet, sound). beach - the sloping shore along a body of water that is washed by waves or tides and is usually covered by sand or gravel (coast, shore, strand). bench - area of relatively level land on the flank of an elevation such as a hill, ridge, or mountain where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side (level). bend - curve in the course of a stream and (or) the land within the curve; a curve in a linear body of water (bottom, loop, meander). bridge - manmade structure carrying a trail, road, or other trans- portation system across a body of water or depression (causeway, overpass, trestle). building - a manmade structure with walls and a roof for protection of people and (or) materials, but not including church, hospi- tal, or school. canal - manmade waterway used by watercraft or for drainage, irriga- tion, mining, or water power (ditch, lateral). cape - projection of land extending into a body of water (lea, neck, peninsula, point). cave - natural underground passageway or chamber, or a hollowed out cavity in the side of a cliff (cavern, grotto). cemetery - a place or area for burying the dead (burial, burying ground, grave, memorial garden). channel - linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and is frequently used as a route for watercraft (passage, reach, strait, thoroughfare, through- fare). church - building used for religious worship (chapel, mosque, syna- gogue, tabernacle, temple). civil - a political division formed for administrative purposes (borough, county, municipio, parish, town, township). cliff - very steep or vertical slope (bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, palisades, precipice, promontory, rim, rimrock). crater - circular-shaped depression at the summit of a volcanic cone or one on the surface of the land caused by the impact of a meteorite; a manmade depression caused by an explosion (caldera, lua). crossing - a place where two or more routes of transportation form a junction or intersection (overpass, underpass). dam - water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into a body of water to control and (or) impound the flow of water (breakwater, dike, jetty). falls - perpendicular or very steep fall of water in the course of a stream (cascade, cataract, waterfall). flat - relative level area within a region of greater relief (clearing, glade, playa). forest - bounded area of woods, forest, or grassland under the ad- ministration of a political agency (see woods) (national forest, national grasslands, State forest). gap - low point or opening between hills or mountains or in a ridge or mountain range (col, notch, pass, saddle, water gap, wind gap) geyser - eruptive spring from which hot water and (or) steam and in some cases mud are periodically thrown. glacier - body or stream of ice moving outward and downslope from an area of accumulation; an area of relatively permanent snow or ice on the top or side of a mountain or mountainous area (icefield, ice patch, snow patch). gut - relatively small coastal waterway connecting larger bodies of water or other waterways (creek, inlet, slough). harbor - sheltered area of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock (hono, port, roads, roadstead). hospital - building where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention (infirmary). island - area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland (archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, rock). isthmus - narrow section of land in a body of water connecting two larger land areas. lake - natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, pond, pool, resaca, waterhole). lava - formations resulting from the consolidation of molten rock on the surface of the Earth (kepula, lava flow). levee - natural or manmade embankment flanking a stream (bank, berm). locale - place at which there is or was human activity; it does not include populated places, mines, and dams (battlefield, crossroad, camp, farm, ghost town, landing, railroad siding, ranch, ruins, site, station, windmill). mine - place or area from which commercial minerals are or were removed from the Earth; not including oilfield (pit, quarry, shaft). oilfield - area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. other - category for miscellaneous named manmade, entities that cannot readily be placed in the other feature classes listed here. park - place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of govern- ment administration; not including National or State forests- or Reserves (national historical landmark, national park, State park, wilderness area). pillar - vertical, standing, often spire-shaped, natural rock forma- tion (chimney, monument, pinnacle, pohaku, rock tower). plain - a region of general uniform slope, comparatively level and of considerable extent (grassland, highland, kula, plateau, upland). ppl - (populated place) place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). range - chain of hills or mountains, a somewhat linear, complex mountainous or hilly area (cordillera, sierra). rapids - fast-flowing section of a stream, often shallow and with exposed rock or boulders (riffle, ripple). reserve - a tract of land set aside for a specific use (does not include forests, civil divisions, parks). reservoir - artificially impounded body of water (lake, tank). ridge - elevation with a narrow, elongated crest which can be part of a hill or mountain (crest, cuesta, escarpment, hogback, lae, rim, spur). school - building or group of buildings used as an institution for study, teaching, and learning (academy, college, high school, university). sea - large body of salt water (gulf, ocean). slope - a gently inclined part of the Earth's surface (grade, pitch). spring - place where underground water flows naturally to the surface of the Earth (seep). stream - linear body of water flowing on the Earth's surface (ana- branch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough). summit - prominent elevation rising above the surrounding level of the Earth's surface; does not include pillars, ridges, or ranges (ahu, berg, bald, butte, cerro, colina, cone, cumbre, dome, head, hill, horn, knob, knoll, mauna, mesa, mesita, mound, mount, mountain, peak, puu, rock, Sugarloaf, table, volcano). swamp - poorly drained wetland, fresh or saltwater, wooded or grassy, possibly covered with open water (bog, cienega, marais, marsh, pocosin). trail - route for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways (jeep trail, path, ski trail). tower - a manmade structure, higher than its diameter, generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission. tunnel - linear underground passageway open at both ends. valley - linear depression in the Earth's surface that generally slopes from one end to the other (barranca, canyon, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine). well - manmade shaft or hole in the Earth's surface used to obtain fluid or gaseous materials. woods - small area covered with a dense growth of trees; does not include an area of trees under the administration of a political agency (see forest). APPENDIX C.--Parenthetical Descriptors used with Names The following terms have been used on USGS topographic maps and other sources to provide additional information or clarity about the name or the feature to which the name refers. Abandoned Active Mine Alkali Archaeological Site BLM - refers to Bureau of Land Management Campground Cemetery Diabase Dike Dry Spring Flowing Foot Bridge Ghost Town Historic Historical Historical Monument Historical Ruins Historic Site Inactive Mine Jeep Trail Mud Natural Arch Oil Field Old Channel Old Stage Station Oxbow P.O. - refers to Post Office Pack Trail Placer - refers to mining activities Polluted Spring Post Office Private Rock Formation Ruins Salt Lake Secondary Name - refers to alternate or a prior name; for example: Lake Katy (Old River Lake) Siding Site Station Submerged Rock Sulphur Spring USDA - refers to U.S. Department of Agriculture USFS - refers to U.S. Forest Service USGS - refers to U.S. Geological Survey 1941 - refers to year of occurrence DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: The following are subjective comments regarding this data. Feature completeness is good, as is attribute completeness. The feature and attribute accuracy is also good. DATA CONTACT: Contact Name: Steve Flatt Contact's Phone: 916-464-4584 Contact's e-mail: DOCUMENTATION DATES: 12/6/1995, 1/1997, 10/28/1997, 10/21/1998 February, 2002: Coverage reprojected from Albers to UTM, and clipped to KRIS Project study area. Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428