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KRIS Redwood Creek: Chart Table Page

Area General
Topic Habitat: Maximum Pool Depths for Redwood Creek and Tribs

Caption:  This Chart Table, StreamSum_M_habraw_redwood2.DBF, contains summarizes habitat metrics for all streams surveyed by CDFG in Redwood Creek basin in 2001. The table was derived from raw CDFG habitat data using the KRIS Habitat Utility. Field definitions are as follows (use "F7" for best viewing): STREAM Stream Name START_DATE First date of survey END_DATE Last date of survey SURV_L_FT Total length of stream surveyed in feet REACHES Number of reaches in total survey of stream BASE_FLOW Mean measured flow (CFS) WT_MAX Maximum recorded water temperature TOT_UNITS Total number of habitat units TOT_MEAS Total number of units measured; records with max_depth values PLS_MEAS Number of pool units measured; Pools are HAB_TYP numbers 4.1-6.5 PCT_RFL_L Percent riffle habitat by length; HAB_TYP numbers 1.1 - 2.2 PCT_FW_L Percent flatwater habitat by length; HAB_TYP numbers 3.1 - 3.5 PCT_PL_L Percent pool habitat by length; HAB_TYP numbers 4.1 - 6.5 PCT_DRY_L Percent dry habitat by length; HAB_TYP number 8.0 LSL_PCTL Percent log-formed scour pool habitat by pool length; HAB_TYP number 5.2 LSR_PCTL Percent rootwad formed pool habitat by pool length; HAB_TYP 5.3 MCP_PCTL Percent main-channel pool habitat by pool length; HAB_TYP 4.1 - 4.4 SCL_PCTL Percent scour pool habitat by pool length; HAB_TYP 5.1 - 5.6 BWP_PCTL Percent backwater pool habitat by pool length; HAB_TYP 6.1 - 6.5 NP_DLT2 Number of pools with maximum depth less than 2 ft NP_D2T25 Number of pools with maximum depth 2-2.5 ft NP_D25T3 Number of pools with maximum depth 2.51-3 ft NP_D3T4 Number of pools with maximum depth 3.1-4 ft NP_DGT4 Number of pools with maximum depth greater than 4 ft LP_DLT2 Percent Length (SURV_L_FT) of pools less than 2 ft deep (i.e. Total length of pools with maximum depth less than 2.0 feet divided by SURV_L_FT). LP_D2T25 Percent Length (SURV_L_FT) of pools 2-2.5 ft deep; see above LP_D25T3 Percent Length (SURV_L_FT) of pools 2.51-3 ft deep; see above LP_D3T4 Percent Length (SURV_L_FT) of pools 3.1-4 ft deep; see above LP_DGT4 Percent Length (SURV_L_FT) greater than 4 ft see above CAN_CONIF Pct stream banks covered by coniferous canopy; CAN_CONIF * CAN_DEN CAN_DECID Percent of stream banks covered by deciduous canopy; CAN_DECI * CAN_DEN CAN_OPEN Percent of stream banks with no canopy cover; 100 - CAN_DEN EMBED_L1 Number of pool tails with embeddedness rating 1 EMBED_L2 Number of pool tails with embeddedness rating 2 EMBED_L3 Number of pool tails with embeddedness rating 3 EMBED_L4 Number of pool tails with embeddedness rating 4 EMBED_L5 Number of pool tails with embeddedness rating 5 EMBD_AVG Average embeddedness rating (excluding value 5); "The sum of pool tails with values 1-4, divided by the total number of those pool tails". PCT_EMB1 Percent of pool tails with embeddedness rating 1 PCT_EMB2 Percent of pool tails with embeddedness rating 2 PCT_EMB3 Percent of pool tails with embeddedness rating 3 PCT_EMB4 Percent of pool tails with embeddedness rating 4 SHLTR_AVG Average weighted by length pool shelter rating; HAB_TYP 4.1 - 6.5 only LWD_PCT_P Percent of shelter in pools from LWD; "Where PCT_COVER has value, multiply by (PER_LWD/100), then average weighted by length".

 50 rows of a possible 10591 have been displayed.
Redwood CrREDWOOD CREEK-2-Main Channel Only6/13/01-130874771422.32804426658543965548586154711953.234.765.726.929.4712.4136.4450.8803680.6118.586.6929.0264471891831282.410.943.8542.462.782.45014.38342.492.8420.35
Lacks CrLACKS CREEK-8-Main Channel Only6/28/01-2426228536.9165401778391744151111110.330.751.71.852.566329.687.33075.6287.7612.249.2566.3724.3813220231.476.4711.7611.7600.3305.581.330.423.6653.65
Upper Redwood CrUpper Redwood Creek-1-Main Channel Only9/6/01-1399615330.94645737055737051212814113.275.524.456.256.9920.5852.7326.470.2262.7588.3211.687.3355.4237.2552980152.111.969.0519.0500.86011.3150.176.8531.91
Coyote CrCOYOTE CREEK-7-Main Channel Only6/12/01-225464043164160639815261124450203087.
Panther CrPANTHER CREEK-4-Main Channel Only6/13/01-1450428432.0557133488913048376144912410.4316.522.483.090.8336.1429.8133.71098.1561.1127.7627.2559.981.8517382528222.615.7435.1923.1525.930.85026.
Minor CrMINOR CREEK-4-Main Channel Only6/11/01-1441811932.3573425283425281511980.3524.496.664.0443.1339.3317.53085.0590.399.618.1776.8814.9513113071.648.1540.7411.1100014.
Toss Up CrTOSS_UP CREEK-3-Main Channel Only6/19/01-546214130.75743124842122621164107.6513.271.170.35048.8128.3422.85096.1991.268.117.887.783.8161762112.119.3554.8419.356.450.26017.745.1105.1348.63
Garrett CreekGarrett Creek-1-Main Channel Only7/8/01-477912930.2663621559591478331673015.869.314.331.42019.2547.6732.620.4693.7377.3622.6421.2272.56.27132218062.124.5341.5133.9602.68025.916.280.444.57.2
Lupton CrLUPTON CREEK-1-Main Channel Only7/22/01-38324430.596019164819164813141014.224.3618.196.24025.1318.8243.01095.297.912.091.9993.214.8363522.617.6535.2917.6529.410.76038.264.7505.634.62
Beaver CrBEAVER CREEK-2-Main Channel Only6/11/01-27316020.115419306193061522007.872.051.280044.0942.6911.2098.2899.
Minon CrMINON CREEK-3-Main Channel Only10/22/01-61791302-5245112744109527151109.247.540.260.68024.1557.6118.24089.3783.1916.8115.0274.3510.6314145191.841.1841.1814.712.940.34010.396.930.922.5925.98
Dolly Varden CrDolly Varden Creek-2-Main Channel Only7/25/01-59681741-64771643771643621041022.023.271.740.5021.8347.8727.530.6786.5867.3232.6828.358.2813.42192321862.326.7632.3929.5811.274.69015.4310.050.1212.5754.45
Mill CrMILL CREEK-2-Main Channel Only6/4/01-27884610.495016314163141231009.291.690.290036.2652.4711.26095.8699.870.130.1395.744.14184032.27.6961.5430.770008.432.830042.63
Molassis CrMOLASSES CREEK-1-Main Channel Only6/4/01-25563910.360123441131010100010.951.1700024.3362.2113.46083.6397.222.782.3381.3116.37831001.466.67258.3301.64010.682.780019.55
Captain CrCAPTAIN CREEK-1-Main Channel Only7/12/01-2360391-671022710227712007.160.721.740060.38309.62088.2496.893.112.7585.4911.76501041.383.33016.670008.520.7201.77.91
Wiregrass CrWIRGRASS CREEK-1-Main Channel Only6/20/01-2000441-5520295192801251018.
Sweathouse CrSweathouse Creek-1-Main Channel Only6/25/01-18593210.0557830883084211012.862.370.590.75039.1133.8916.5710.4482.0495.24.83.9478.117.96033112.7042.8642.8614.290014.522.04009.98
Pilchuck CrPILCHUCK CREEK-1-Main Channel Only7/2/01-1617401-57133091330911101017.320.6201.18049.3531.5419.11097.261000097.262.74340061.642.8657.14000016.083.03008.81
Fern Prairie CrFERN PRAIRIE CREEK-1-Main Channel Only7/26/01-852181-60465465400007.63000053.6438.737.63097.8894.853.723.6492.842.1211101233.3333.3333.330007.630018.69

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