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KRIS Redwood Creek: Chart Table Page

Area General
Topic Temperature: MWATs at All Mainstem Redwood Creek Sites (1994-2001)

Caption:  The Chart Table "mwat_main.dbf" is comprised of maximum floating weekly average water temperatures taken in Redwood Creek by RNSP, FSP and Simpson. See Info Links and Meta Table for more information. Column headers are years (Y94 = 1994) with temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.

 50 rows of a possible 60 have been displayed.
3012EstuaryRedwood CreekEstuary11116866111
3013RedCrk upstm PrairRedwood CreekLower----676264-65
3014RedCrk upstm TMcDRedwood CreekLower----697067-69
3011RedCrk upstm LacksRedwood CreekMiddle----7272---
3008RedCrk@O'KaneRedwood CreekUpper----717168-70
3007RedCrk upstm MinonRedwood CreekUpper----656564--

To learn more about this topic click Info Links .
To view a table of information about this data click Metadata .
To download the table with the chart's data, click mwat_main.dbf (size 1,504 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click all_mwats.dbf (size 5,350 bytes)