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KRIS Ten Mile: Chart Table Page

Area Basinwide/General
Topic Fish: Average Fish Density, 1993-2000

Caption:  The Chart Table fish_density_sum.db contains average (_Avg) density by year for all species occurring in 24 monitoring sites of the Ten Mile River watershed. Standard deviation (_Sdv) should be used for comparing annual values only when accounting for the fact that the same sites were revisited in each year. Species are listed by two letter abbreviation: CO = Coho Salmon, SH = Steelhead Trout, SB = 3-Spined Stickleback, CS = Coastrange Sculpin, PS = Prickly Sculpin , SC = Sculpin Spp, LP = Lamprey Spp., CR = Ca. Roach, SQ = Sac. Squawfish, SU = Sac. Sucker, PG = Pac. Giant Salamander, CN = Ca. Newt, RB = Red-bellied Newt, RN = Rough-Skinned Newt, BF = Bullfrog, PF = Pac. Tree Frog, RF = Red-legged Frog, TF = Tailed Frog, YF = Yellow-legged Frog, CF = Crayfish.

 50 rows of a possible 847 have been displayed.

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To download the table with the chart's data, click fish_density_sum.db (size 4,096 bytes) .
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To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click htcfish_alltenmile_trend.dbf (size 154,433 bytes)