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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Basinwide
Topic Habitat: Percentage of Forced Pools by Type 1996

Caption:  The Chart Table hab_nav_entrix.dbf contains summary data from the Navarro Watershed Restoration Plan. Entrix collected data in 1996. SUBBSN = sub-basin, STREAM = stream name, RCH_MI = reach length in miles, RCH_FT = reach length in feet, AREA_MI2 = sub-basin drainage area in square miles, MX_SLPPT = maximum percent slope (feet/feet), CONFINE = confinement describing the relationship of the river to its valley; reaches were designated m=moderately confined, c=confined, or m-c = between the two categories, FREE_PCT = percentage free-formed pools, FORCE_PCT = percentage forced pools, LWD_PCT = percentage LWD forced pools, BANK_PCT = percentage bank forced pools, BLDR_PCT = percentage boulder forced pools, BEDRCK = percentage bedrock forced pools, AVG_DEPTH = average pool depth, COVR_PCT = percentage of pool cover, POOL_PCT = percent reach designated pool habitat, FLAT_PCT = percent reach designated flatwater habitat, RIFF_PCT = percent reach designated riffle habitat, MAX_TMPC = maximum temperature in Celsius; a spot check during survey, COHO = coho presence/absence in the sub-basin, SH_YOY = steelhead young-of-the-year presence/absence in the sub-basin, SH1+ = steelhead age 1+ presence/absence in the sub-basin, SRVY_DT = season and year of survey, SOURCE = Trihey and Associates were the only source for this dataset.

 50 rows of a possible 373 have been displayed.
mainstemNavarro R2105602971m564420800042327601323absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
mainstemMarsh Gulch152801.414m_c227817-8301.4353176213presentpresentabsentsummer96Trihey
north forSBNF Navarr42112029.81.4m_c7822198126132430353520absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
north forNBNF Navarr15280251m_c5545142525362.41725433220presentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
north forLNF Navarro1528011.21.4c53472029222921321364321presentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
north forJohn Smith152804.51.8m42587913802.11543282920presentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
mainstemMill Cr1.895049.32.5m_c46541436282221925344120absentpresentabsentsummer96Trihey
andersonCon Cr1.5792013.51.6m22783965501.5242846824absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
indianNF Indian0.842242.56m_c6931165016182.32719216021absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
rancheriaBear Wallow152801.55.5c148621135971.5151580519absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey
rancheriaBeasley Cr1.579201.24m505011-8091.52636154917absentpresentpresentsummer96Trihey

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