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 Map Page.
 You selected the area Basinwide and the topic Map: 5B Water Rights Locations, Navarro Project Area  
This is a map of water rights information from the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights displayed with USGS 1:100,000 hydrography, KRIS sub-basins, and a grayscale hillshade. Water rights listed may not be complete as not all rights are registered, particularly riparian rights. Also, some water users may be extracting water or building retention ponds without permits (SWRCB DWR, 1998). Scale = 1:425,037 .

 To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map LegendMetadata File Name
Water Rights Information wrims.shp.txt
Sub-basins (no labels) subbasins.shp.txt
Project Frame Unavailable
Pacific Ocean Unavailable
Streams (1:24k scale) streams24.shp.txt
Streams (1:100k scale)(no labels) streams100.shp.txt
Topo Map (1:24k scale) Unavailable
Gray Hillshade of Elevtn (TIFF) grayscale_xnv_light.tif.txt
Elevation (10 m resolution)(TIFF) elev10.tif.txt