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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Estuary
Topic Fish: Beach Seining All Species by CPUE 1996-97

Caption:  The chart table cannata_table3.dbf displays Cannata (1998) estuary data associated with beach seining efforts in the Navarro Estuary. The data were collected between May 21, 1996 and December 3, 1997. See Info Links for more information. SPECIES = common name of species captured. LO_ES_TOT = total fish of each species caught in the lower Navarro Estuary site. LO_ES_R_AB = relative abundance of species caught in the lower Navarro Estuary site, LO_ES_CPUE = catch per unit effort for the lower Navarro Estuary site, MD_ES_TOT = total fish of each species caught in the middle Navarro Estuary site, MD_ES_R_AB = relative abundance of species caught in the middle Navarro Estuary site, MD_ES_CPUE = catch per unit effort for the middle Navarro Estuary site, UP_ES_TOT = total fish of each species caught in the upper Navarro Estuary site, UP_ES_R_AB = relative abundance of species caught in the upper Navarro Estuary site, UP_ES_CPUE = catch per unit effort for the upper Navarro Estuary site, COMBO_TOT = total fish of each species caught in the Navarro Estuary site, COMBO_R_AB = relative abundance of species caught in the Navarro Estuary site, COMBO_ES_CPUE = catch per unit effort for the combined sites.

 50 rows of a possible 167 have been displayed.
surf smelt5670.266.44200.040005690.193.29
top smelt4020.184.57510.131.11100.034540.152.62
staghorn sculpin1280.061.45130.030.2860.010.151470.050.85
bay pipefish440.020.5300.070.65370.090.951110.040.64
prickley sculpin390.020.44130.030.28400.091.03920.030.53
threespine stickleba220.010.25240.060.52440.11.13900.030.52
starry flounder540.020.61190.050.41110.030.28840.030.49
pacific herring660.030.75100.02000670.020.39
california roach700.0800080.020.211500.09
coho salmon1000.11000100.031100.06
shiner surfperch100.0100090.020.231000.06
juvenile rockfish1000.110000001000.06
penpoint gunnel800.09000000800.05
pacific sardine500.06000000500.03
english sole300.03000000300.02
speckled sanddab300.03000000300.02
tidepool sculpin300.03000000300.02
pacific lamprey000200.04000200.01
coast range sculpin000000100.03100.01
kelp greenling100.01000000100.01
saddleback gunnel100.01000000100.01

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