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KRIS Navarro : Chart Page

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Topic Temperature: MMA at Navarro R near Floodgate (Site 82-5) 1989
Caption:  The chart shows the daily minimum and average water temperature in Celsius (°C) at Navarro River at Floodgate (Site 82-5) for the year 1989. Daily maximum and average temperatures were above 15.6°C, the upper optimal temperature for salmonid rearing (McCullough, 1999), during every day between May and September. Maximum temperatures also exceeded the recognized lethal level for Pacific salmon of 25 C (Sullivan et al., 2000). See Info Links for more information. Data provided by the Mendocino Redwood Company.

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click temp_nav_mrc_mma_source.dbf (size 184,707 bytes)