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KRIS Navarro : Chart Source Table Page

Area Mainstem
Topic Stream Channel: Cross-section survey Mill Creek Segment 4 1996

Caption:  The Source Table trihey_xsect_nav.dbf shows all the cross-section survey data for sites surveyed in 1996 by Trihey and Associates for the Navarro Watershed Restoration Plan. Data provided by Mike Napolitano from field data forms. Original notes were brief, but some survey information is included in COMMENTS column. BASIN=subwatershed, STREAM=stream name, DISTANCE_F=distance across the stream from left bank pin, DEPTH_FT=distance below left bank pin, COMMENTS=field notes for survey points, RB Pin=right bank pin, LB Pin=left bank pin, REW=right edge of water, LEW=left edge of water, thalweg=main flow of the channel.

 50 rows of a possible 116 have been displayed.
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch47.20RB Pin
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch37.59.7base of hill
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch3710bankfull
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch34.210.4bank top
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch33.711.9REW
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch27.312.4thalweg
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch2211.8LEW
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch21.511bankedge
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch159.9bankfull
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch6.51.8terrace
MAINSTEMMarsh Gulch00.1LB Pin
MAINSTEMNavarro River00LB Pin
MAINSTEMNavarro River167.2base of bank
MAINSTEMNavarro River43.58.1gravel bar
MAINSTEMNavarro River50.510.2base of slope
MAINSTEMNavarro River55.510.5LEW
MAINSTEMNavarro River86.510.5riffle
MAINSTEMNavarro River107.513.1thalweg
MAINSTEMNavarro River107.911.4REW
MAINSTEMNavarro River1302.5slope break
MAINSTEMNavarro River138.30RB Pin/bankfu
MAINSTEMMill Creek_3640LB Pin
MAINSTEMMill Creek_3444.7terrace
MAINSTEMMill Creek_333.510.2base of hill
MAINSTEMMill Creek_331.410.4bankfull
MAINSTEMMill Creek_325.511.6LEW
MAINSTEMMill Creek_32412.2thalweg
MAINSTEMMill Creek_312.511.1REW
MAINSTEMMill Creek_39.910.1bankfull
MAINSTEMMill Creek_34.57bedrock
MAINSTEMMill Creek_322-
MAINSTEMMill Creek_300.3RB Pin
MAINSTEMMill Creek_458.10.1RB Pin
MAINSTEMMill Creek_447.17.1base of hill
MAINSTEMMill Creek_437.87.5terrace
MAINSTEMMill Creek_433.78.9bankfull
MAINSTEMMill Creek_428.811.4bottom of ban
MAINSTEMMill Creek_422.812.4REW
MAINSTEMMill Creek_41812.8thalweg
MAINSTEMMill Creek_41212.3LEW
MAINSTEMMill Creek_410.27.1base of hill
MAINSTEMMill Creek_400LB Pin
ANDERSONCon Creek450RB Pin
ANDERSONCon Creek38.55-
ANDERSONCon Creek32.56.1base of slide
ANDERSONCon Creek30.87.9floodplain
ANDERSONCon Creek27.88.8bankfull
ANDERSONCon Creek27.210REW
ANDERSONCon Creek2510.2thalweg
ANDERSONCon Creek24.29.9LEW

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