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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

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Topic Fish: Outmigrant Trap Daily Totals Dimmick State Park 1972

Caption:  The chart table Brown1972.dbf shows single day totals for a fyke net trap maintained by California Department of Fish and Game near the Dimmick State Campground on the Navarro River. See the source table Brown1972all.dbf for information on other outmigrant traps that same year. DATE = day of trapping effort TIMEOFSET = hours of trapping effort in military time LOCATION = location of trap Lower Dimmi (Lower Dimmick State Park) was located on the Navarro River 2.0 miles below the park COHO_FRY = number of silver salmon fry trapped COHOAVG_MM = average fork length of coho trapped, measured in millimeters STLHD_FRY = number of steelhead fry trapped STLHDAVG_M = average fork length of steelhead trapped, measured in millimeters NA = not available

 50 rows of a possible 151 have been displayed.
4/20/721700-0900Lower Dimmi25NA15NA
4/21/721800-0900Lower Dimmi20NA13NA
5/9/721800-0900Lower Dimmi2738595
5/10/721800-0900Lower Dimmi2838839
5/26/721700-0900Lower Dimmi0NA129

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To download the table with the chart's data, click brown1972.dbf (size 832 bytes) .
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To download the table with the chart's source data, click brown1972all.dbf (size 996 bytes)