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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area North Fork
Topic Sediment: Knopp V* for North Branch NF Navarro and local streams, 1992

Caption:  The Chart Table Vstar_MEN.dbf captures data from Knopp (1993) that measured sediment at 60 locations throughout northern California.

 50 rows of a possible 60 have been displayed.
37Little Juan CreekMendocino13.12Moderate11203.6793356.643.471330.638952320.022086054283
38Greenwood CreekMendocino13.62Moderate37921.3843748.751.344659.1262711040.69146160314244
39NB NF Navarro RiverMendocino13.5Moderate63570.5794258.441.635500.510006008182971709272
40Pudding CreekMendocino13.2High64910.6902475.224.885644.5267116482.41133898328523
41Ten Mile , SFMendocino13.13High102690.9715226.973.135614.6184-1090129392320666
42Kass CreekMendocino13.2High14372.1723760.439.654413.211615780.1998565178934
43Big Salmon CreekMendocino13.4High50860.397187723458481741982690.74319436704574
44Churchman CreekMendocino13.2High27911.7912873.426.683635.31931871261.484206458887
45Fuller CreekMendocino13.84High28323.4804336.663.435491.37429420.76739501348866
46Grasshopper CreekMendocino13.83High12262.4883759.140.965454.38948461.05185238301644
47Garcia River, N.F.Mendocino13.7High46052.3795540.259.829524.5398-3510342976674731

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