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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area North Fork
Topic Sediment: McNeil Samples in Little NF Navarro River site 1, 1999

Caption:  The Chart Table mcneil_en1_99.dbf shows McNeil sampling data for Little NF Navarro River reach EN1 in 1999. Data provided by Mendocino Redwood Company. SEIVE_SIZE = sieve size in millimeters PFIN_EN1_1 = percent finer than caught on sieve sizes for reach EN1 tailout 1 PFIN_EN1_4 = percent finer than caught on sieve sizes for reach EN1 tailout 4 PFIN_EN1_7 = percent finer than caught on sieve sizes for reach EN1 tailout 7 PFIN_EN1_9 = percent finer than caught on sieve sizes for reach EN1 tailout 9

 50 rows of a possible 60 have been displayed.

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click nav_mcneil_mrc99.dbf (size 9,516 bytes)