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KRIS Russian River: Chart Table Page

Area Austin Creek
Topic Habitat: Maximum Pool Depths in Lower E Austin Cr and Tribs 1996

Caption:  The Chart Table "hab_cdfg_ac_eaustin_lo_1996.dbf" was derived from the source table "hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf" by filtering the source table for the Austin Creek sub-basin and deleting all reaches except lower East Austin Creek and its tributaries. It shows the results of 1996 habitat typing surveys in lower East Austin Creek and its tributaries. Data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game. See InfoLinks for more information. A key to column headings: SHORT_NAME = A shortened combination of STREAM and REACH, CHAN_TYP = Rosgen channel type classification, MAX_DATE = Last date of habitat survey, COUNT = Number of habitat units in a reach, STRM_ORD_R = Strahler stream order at downstream end of reach (from KRIS GIS), STRM_ORD_M = Maximum Strahler stream order (from KRIS GIS) of STREAM, SUBBASIN = Sub-basin, REACHID = Unique reach identifier created by concatenating the stream's Pnmcd with the two digit reach number, FIRST_SURV = Names or initials of the first habitat surveyors, STREAM = Stream name as recorded in the reachsum database (May not be identical to Pname), REACH = Reach number, ST_Unit = Starting (minimum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, END_Unit = Ending (maximum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, CHAN_LEN = Total length of all main channel habitat units, SIDE_LEN = Total length of all side channel habitat units, RF_FL_WDTH = Average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_DPTH = Average of the surveyed mean depth for main channel pool habitat units, FLOW = Base flow, LWATER = Minimum surveyed water temperature, UWATER = Maximum surveyed water temperature, LAIR = Minimum surveyed air temperature, UAIR = Maximum surveyed air temperature, DOM_BK_VEG = Dominant vegetation class, VEG_COV = Average percent vegetative cover, DOM_BK_SUB = Bank substrate class, EMB_ONE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 1 EMB_TWO = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 2, EMB_THREE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 3, EMB_FOUR = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 4, CANOPY = Average canopy density over stream, CAN_CONIF = Percent conifer canopy, CAN_DECID = Percent deciduous canopy, CAN_OPEN = Percent open canopy, PCT_RFL_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of riffles and flatwater, PCT_DRY_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of dry units, PCT_PLS_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of pools, PL_PCT_LT2 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth <2 ft, PL_PCT_2T3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth 2-3 ft, PL_PCT_GT3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth >3 ft, POL_SH_RTN = Average shelter rating (ShelterValue x Cover) for main channel pools, DOM_SHEL = Shelter type representing highest total percent composition of in-stream shelter, LOD = Percentage of habitat units containing shelter from large woody debris or root mass, DRY = Total length of main channel habitat units surveyed as Dry, WET = Total length of main channel habitat units not surveyed as Dry, RF_FL_MEAN = Weighted average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_AREA = Proportion of main channel surface area composed of pools, COV_UNDER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by undercut banks, COV_SWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by small woody debris, COV_lWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by large woody debris, COV_ROOT = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by root mass, COV_TVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by overhanging terrestrial vegetation, COV_AVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by aquatic vegetation, COV_WATER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by white water or bubble curtain, COV_BOULD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by boulders, COV_BED = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by bedrock edges, LWD_POOLS = Number of main channel pools enhanced by large woody debris, PROB_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are probably enhanced by large woody debris, POT_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PART_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PNAME = name as recorded in the reachsum database, PNMCD = Primary name code. Official stream identifier.

 50 rows of a possible 450 have been displayed.
E Austin -R01F47/16/199610244Austin Creek601000401M.M,M.B.,M.K.East Austin Creek1113912381106426.604171.74828064766385Coniferous Trees68.33333Silt/Clay/Sand01000035.8333322.2558613.5774764.1666777.45739022.542613.4482827.586268.9655240.2Boulders27.4509801238128.217230.207040.008930.014840.014150.018860.024400.002970.059110.016176660.20689East Austin Creek6010004
E Austin -R02F17/16/1996444Austin Creek601000402M.B.,M.K.East Austin Creek21401439960291.95073736464Coniferous Trees47.5Silt/Clay/Sand01000032.522.3437510.1562567.559.93976040.0602400100100Boulders25099631.740370.35378000.04448000.044480.159830.2236200000East Austin Creek6010004
E Austin -R03B37/22/19962244Austin Creek601000403M.B.,M.K.East Austin Creek31441652816026.252068736485Coniferous Trees61Silt/Clay/Sand01000026.8759.8861616.9888473.12576.63352023.36648033.3333366.6666760Boulders22.727270281626.105110.233190.011310.008010.00130.005540.012680.005470.005470.068760.034491110.11111East Austin Creek6010004
E Austin -R04B17/30/199611044Austin Creek601000404M.B.,M.K.East Austin Creek41662731881929224.751.905065786496Coniferous Trees68.86364Bedrock01000035.7894712.8771922.9122864.2105370.16313029.83687012.587.568.78378Boulders13.6363601881928.573630.257860.016310.023680.012310.013180.038400.041630.082820.060933330.075East Austin Creek6010004
Gilliam -R01F38/12/199611233Austin Creek601256601M.K.,M.B.Gilliam Creek11112827309.6251.3125060716294Deciduous Trees66.90476Silt/Clay/Sand01000085.6896638.4126147.2770514.3103474.21398025.7860212.557.53077.23684Boulders27.6785708272.79.263430.317490.040270.029020.025690.038470.01340.000460.006130.089080.025665570.125Gilliam Creek6012566
Gilliam -R02G18/13/19962823Austin Creek601256602M.K.,M.B.Gilliam Creek21131391989348.21.2064727389Coniferous Trees74.25Bedrock01000078.6842132.9231345.7610821.3157971.29211028.7078918.1818254.5454527.27273131.36364Boulders21.42857019899.444160.287810.015870.034420.018280.028020.025180.005850.063910.290950.007210000Gilliam Creek6012566
Gilliam -R03B28/20/199611423Austin Creek601256603M.K.,M.B.Gilliam Creek3140253758408.357141.27234058726487Coniferous Trees68.125Bedrock01000080.5172463.6502616.8669819.4827673.14118026.8588238.2978744.6808517.02128134.46809Boulders11.4035107584.18.569040.291480.032670.035070.018490.002670.0015500.060030.3090.071392250.04255Gilliam Creek6012566
Black Rock -R01F37/10/19966122Austin Creek600301001B.B.,N.B.Black Rock Creek11572554556.731250.98095060665780Coniferous Trees33.125Cobble/Gravel066.6666728.571434.761974.4523845.2918629.1605225.5476274.069025.93152.1739139.130448.6956525.95238Boulders26.2295102553.76.736730.302430.0035100.065790.00141000.003150.079230.012774470.17391Black Rock Creek6003010
Black Rock -R02F47/11/19963322Austin Creek600301002B.B.,N.B.Black Rock Creek25890124504.80.91538058685682Coniferous Trees25.75Cobble/Gravel069.2307730.76923074.8537.6121237.2378725.1575.76123024.2387769.2307715.3846115.3846218.75Root Masses18.1818201244.74.833330.389130.00440.013460.004250.00106000002220.15384Black Rock Creek6003010
Black Rock -R03F37/16/199616022Austin Creek600301003B.B.,N.B.Black Rock Creek39124554841225.980770.8109058675678Coniferous Trees29.74576Cobble/Gravel2.0408273.4693916.326538.1632776.7052653.249623.4556623.2947466.65516.4277926.9171176.6666716.666666.6666725.55556Boulders15.625352.551316.666350.29360.015140.034350.033530.00258E-5000.030160.0014999140.15Black Rock Creek6003010
Black Rock -R04F47/17/19968122Austin Creek600301004N.B.,B.B.Black Rock Creek4246325303084.18750.60869058735478Coniferous Trees32.33333Cobble/Gravel17.391373.9130408.6956580.5135148.5199931.9935219.4864954.2768727.8877917.8353479.1666716.666664.1666717.5Root Masses9.876548452185.54.346060.311940.002220.018720.012570.029730000.0097604450.16666Black Rock Creek6003010
Black Rock -R05F38/29/19968712Austin Creek600301005N.B.,B.B.Black Rock Creek5326412257503.833330.63235059646188Coniferous Trees25.83333Cobble/Gravel8.8235326.4705935.2941229.4117691.12588.391252.733758.87570.54095029.4590594.285715.71429029.64286Boulders9.195402575.13.951550.368630.022010.010590.008780.009090.0065800.001680.069830.003433350.08571Black Rock Creek6003010
Thompson -R01B38/6/19964822Austin Creek603565801M.K., M.B.Thompson Creek1148365306.61.27391059716394Coniferous Trees67.79412Silt/Clay/Sand8.6956591.304350081.4814850.0960231.3854618.5185270.05201029.9479939.1304339.1304421.7391395.47619Boulders12.5036536.36640.409750.025460.023370.011670.004370.005970.035290.064080.106020.0184944120.17391Thompson Creek6035658
Schoolhouse -R01F38/22/1996922Austin Creek602872901M.K.,M.B.Schoolhouse Creek1191629030.7058586161Coniferous Trees84Silt/Clay/Sand01000082.8571444.3877538.4693917.1428693.615712.394113.9901810000101.66667Boulders11.111113915902.480.0791300.02230.062760.0418400.1046100.072690.011151110.33333Schoolhouse Creek6028729
Gilliam, Trib -R01B28/21/19964011Austin CreekMSB0951060901M.K.,M.B.Gilliam Creek, Trib11404229040.87857060636976Deciduous Trees75.90909Silt/Clay/Sand01000091.9565253.5746738.381858.0434889.85576010.1442457.1428635.714287.1428683.21429Boulders17.5042294.040360.155440.05450.050670.030140.004210.0053500.012860.140110.024012260.14285Gilliam Creek, TribMSB09510609

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf (size 299,436 bytes)