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KRIS Russian River: Chart Table Page

Area Forsythe Creek
Topic Habitat: Canopy in West Branch Russian R Tributaries 2001

Caption:  The Chart Table "hab_cdfg_fc2_94_01.dbf" was derived from the source table "hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf" by filtering the source table for the Forsythe sub-basin, and then deleting streams that are tributaries to Forsythe Creek. It shows the results of 1999 habitat typing surveys in tributaries to the West Branch Russian River. Data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game. See InfoLinks for more information. A key to column headings: SHORT_NAME = A shortened combination of STREAM and REACH, CHAN_TYP = Rosgen channel type classification, MAX_DATE = Last date of habitat survey, COUNT = Number of habitat units in a reach, STRM_ORD_R = Strahler stream order at downstream end of reach (from KRIS GIS), STRM_ORD_M = Maximum Strahler stream order (from KRIS GIS) of STREAM, SUBBASIN = Sub-basin, REACHID = Unique reach identifier created by concatenating the stream's Pnmcd with the two digit reach number, FIRST_SURV = Names or initials of the first habitat surveyors, STREAM = Stream name as recorded in the reachsum database (May not be identical to Pname), REACH = Reach number, ST_Unit = Starting (minimum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, END_Unit = Ending (maximum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, CHAN_LEN = Total length of all main channel habitat units, SIDE_LEN = Total length of all side channel habitat units, RF_FL_WDTH = Average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_DPTH = Average of the surveyed mean depth for main channel pool habitat units, FLOW = Base flow, LWATER = Minimum surveyed water temperature, UWATER = Maximum surveyed water temperature, LAIR = Minimum surveyed air temperature, UAIR = Maximum surveyed air temperature, DOM_BK_VEG = Dominant vegetation class, VEG_COV = Average percent vegetative cover, DOM_BK_SUB = Bank substrate class, EMB_ONE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 1 EMB_TWO = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 2, EMB_THREE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 3, EMB_FOUR = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 4, CANOPY = Average canopy density over stream, CAN_CONIF = Percent conifer canopy, CAN_DECID = Percent deciduous canopy, CAN_OPEN = Percent open canopy, PCT_RFL_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of riffles and flatwater, PCT_DRY_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of dry units, PCT_PLS_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of pools, PL_PCT_LT2 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth <2 ft, PL_PCT_2T3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth 2-3 ft, PL_PCT_GT3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth >3 ft, POL_SH_RTN = Average shelter rating (ShelterValue x Cover) for main channel pools, DOM_SHEL = Shelter type representing highest total percent composition of in-stream shelter, LOD = Percentage of habitat units containing shelter from large woody debris or root mass, DRY = Total length of main channel habitat units surveyed as Dry, WET = Total length of main channel habitat units not surveyed as Dry, RF_FL_MEAN = Weighted average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_AREA = Proportion of main channel surface area composed of pools, COV_UNDER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by undercut banks, COV_SWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by small woody debris, COV_lWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by large woody debris, COV_ROOT = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by root mass, COV_TVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by overhanging terrestrial vegetation, COV_AVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by aquatic vegetation, COV_WATER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by white water or bubble curtain, COV_BOULD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by boulders, COV_BED = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by bedrock edges, LWD_POOLS = Number of main channel pools enhanced by large woody debris, PROB_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are probably enhanced by large woody debris, POT_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PART_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PNAME = name as recorded in the reachsum database, PNMCD = Primary name code. Official stream identifier.

 50 rows of a possible 450 have been displayed.
Corral -R1F19/26/20011433Forsythe Creek600741801Mshugars/J.SmithCorral Creek11141091300.81.775059647280Coniferous Trees38.33333Bedrock00604015.536.1666748.333330.2630298.817920.9190640204010-010784129.30.80.974360.035720000000.016240.017980000Corral Creek6007418
Rocky -R1B37/16/2001833Forsythe Creek602725901M.Shugars/J.NewellRocky Creek1182705031.30007272Coniferous Trees41.25Silt/Clay/Sand01000047.5224.48281.6266297.634010.739371000010Small Woody Debris026416430.5479400.04000000.0100000Rocky Creek6027259
Rocky -R2A27/16/20012133Forsythe Creek602725902M.Shugars/J.NewellRocky Creek29292014040.728570007272Coniferous Trees26.5Boulder00100039.7838.22222.184793.594844.220461000015Boulders0188512940.6955000000.020890.021890.065370.004770000Rocky Creek6027259
Salt Hollow -R1F47/24/200110022Forsythe Creek602813801Mike Shugars, Jake NewellSalt Hollow Creek1110012341213.71.41613058706080No Vegetation54.54545Silt/Clay/Sand04056446.7525926.0358727.2115437.1525853.058919.7885112.9032354.8387132.2580622.88462Small Woody Debris16654857934.141130.344930.007530.029350.006020.016790.020510.017340.00030.005790.005334440.12903Salt Hollow Creek6028138
Salt Hollow -R2F47/20/2001122Forsythe Creek602813802Mike Shugars, Jake NewellSalt Hollow Creek28989168000063637070-0-00007619510000100000Small Woody Debris00168000000000000000Salt Hollow Creek6028138
Salt Hollow, NF -R1B68/9/20012911Forsythe Creek83024137001M. Terry/J. NewellSalt Hollow Creek, North Fork1129429404.333331.4063677383Coniferous Trees38.75Silt/Clay/Sand00604043.9814935.1851820.8333396.786211.164422.0493740402016Small Woody Debris6.896555026444.288670.0715600.0196400.010540.005370.024010.002840.0170401120.2Salt Hollow Creek, North Fork830241370

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf (size 299,436 bytes)