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KRIS Russian River: Chart Table Page

Area Mark West
Topic Habitat: Maximum Pool Depths in Windsor Cr and Tribs 1996-1997

Caption:  The Chart Table "hab_cdfg_mw_windsor_96_97.dbf" was derived from the source table "hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf" by filtering the source table for the Mark West sub-basin, and then deleting all streams except Windsor Creek and its tributary Pool Creek. It shows the results of 1996-1997 habitat typing surveys in Windsor Creek and its tributary Pool Creek. Data were collected by the California Department of Fish and Game. See InfoLinks for more information. A key to column headings: SHORT_NAME = A shortened combination of STREAM and REACH, CHAN_TYP = Rosgen channel type classification, MAX_DATE = Last date of habitat survey, COUNT = Number of habitat units in a reach, STRM_ORD_R = Strahler stream order at downstream end of reach (from KRIS GIS), STRM_ORD_M = Maximum Strahler stream order (from KRIS GIS) of STREAM, SUBBASIN = Sub-basin, REACHID = Unique reach identifier created by concatenating the stream's Pnmcd with the two digit reach number, FIRST_SURV = Names or initials of the first habitat surveyors, STREAM = Stream name as recorded in the reachsum database (May not be identical to Pname), REACH = Reach number, ST_Unit = Starting (minimum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, END_Unit = Ending (maximum) main channel or primary side channel habitat unit number, CHAN_LEN = Total length of all main channel habitat units, SIDE_LEN = Total length of all side channel habitat units, RF_FL_WDTH = Average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_DPTH = Average of the surveyed mean depth for main channel pool habitat units, FLOW = Base flow, LWATER = Minimum surveyed water temperature, UWATER = Maximum surveyed water temperature, LAIR = Minimum surveyed air temperature, UAIR = Maximum surveyed air temperature, DOM_BK_VEG = Dominant vegetation class, VEG_COV = Average percent vegetative cover, DOM_BK_SUB = Bank substrate class, EMB_ONE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 1 EMB_TWO = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 2, EMB_THREE = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 3, EMB_FOUR = Percent pool tails with embeddedness class 4, CANOPY = Average canopy density over stream, CAN_CONIF = Percent conifer canopy, CAN_DECID = Percent deciduous canopy, CAN_OPEN = Percent open canopy, PCT_RFL_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of riffles and flatwater, PCT_DRY_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of dry units, PCT_PLS_LN = Percent of main channel, by length, composed of pools, PL_PCT_LT2 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth <2 ft, PL_PCT_2T3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth 2-3 ft, PL_PCT_GT3 = Percent (by number) of pools with max depth >3 ft, POL_SH_RTN = Average shelter rating (ShelterValue x Cover) for main channel pools, DOM_SHEL = Shelter type representing highest total percent composition of in-stream shelter, LOD = Percentage of habitat units containing shelter from large woody debris or root mass, DRY = Total length of main channel habitat units surveyed as Dry, WET = Total length of main channel habitat units not surveyed as Dry, RF_FL_MEAN = Weighted average of the surveyed mean width for main channel riffle and flatwater habitat units, POOL_AREA = Proportion of main channel surface area composed of pools, COV_UNDER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by undercut banks, COV_SWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by small woody debris, COV_lWOOD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by large woody debris, COV_ROOT = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by root mass, COV_TVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by overhanging terrestrial vegetation, COV_AVEG = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by aquatic vegetation, COV_WATER = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by white water or bubble curtain, COV_BOULD = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by boulders, COV_BED = Proportion of main channel pool area which is provided shelter by bedrock edges, LWD_POOLS = Number of main channel pools enhanced by large woody debris, PROB_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are probably enhanced by large woody debris, POT_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PART_LWDP = Number of main channel pools that are potentially enhanced by large woody debris, PNAME = name as recorded in the reachsum database, PNMCD = Primary name code. Official stream identifier.

 50 rows of a possible 450 have been displayed.
Windsor -R01B46/25/199610944Mark West603892101WHITE/HIGGINSWindsor Creek1110720172729.622221.80933.362667286Deciduous Trees92.61364Silt/Clay/Sand0012.587.564.4047610.9338353.4709335.5952486.37241.8188611.8087416.2790751.1627932.5581449.06977Root Masses30.27523366.919804.614.048030.153990.007610.04020.022970.085220.045880.003100.0039802123260.48837Windsor Creek6038921
Windsor -R02F36/25/1996134Mark West603892102WHITE/HIGGINSWindsor Creek210810815000003.364648080-0-000000010001000100000Root Masses015000000000000000000Windsor Creek6038921
Pool -R01B68/12/1997733Mark West602553901Ambrosius, MilesPool Creek1175672013.966671.05066667878Brush90.83333Silt/Clay/Sand00010089.1666720.8055568.3611210.8333362.9178435.146331.935835050070Large Woody Debris42.857141993.53678.523.359480.0245800.046740.070120.11686000002221Pool Creek6025539
Pool -R02F58/14/1997233Mark West602553902Ambrosius, MilesPool Creek28952000320068688080Brush40Silt/Clay/Sand00004012286010000100000Small Woody Debris0052003200000000000000Pool Creek6025539

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click hab_cdfg_rus_94_01_source.dbf (size 299,436 bytes)