
Bibliography Background About KRIS

CDFG Instream Structures Failure Rates for 1993 and 1995


Instream structure scores Northern CA 1993 Instream structure scores Northern CA 1995
CDFG found that 60% of instream structures surveyed in 1993 were functioning as intended. The chart above shows only a subset of the locations surveyed in 1993. Data from Hopelain (1995). Above: After high flows in 1995, CDFG found that the average of only 39% of instream structures surveyed remained functional. Some new streams were surveyed in 1995. Data from Hopelain (1995).



Hopelain, J. 1995 . Draft Evaluation of Salmonid Habitat Restoration Structures in Northwestern California Streams Conducted During 1993 and 1995. CDFG Inland Fisheries, Sacramento, CA. Draft dated 2/17/98. 30 p.