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 Map Page.
 You selected the area Indian Creek and the topic Map: 1H Roads, Indian Creek Sub-basin  
This is a map of the Roads in the Indian Creek sub-basin, displayed with a Grayscale Hillshade and KRIS sub-basin boundaries. Data provided by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board but generated by U.C. Davis ICE. Greater road densities are related to increased fine sediment yield to streams.

 To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map LegendMetadata File Name
Sub-basins (w/ labels) subbasins.shp.txt
Project Frame Unavailable
Roads (RWQCB) navroads.shp.txt
Topo Map (1:24k scale) Unavailable
Gray Hillshade of Elevtn (TIFF) grayscale_xnv_light.tif.txt
Project Background Unavailable