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Mattole River Basin

Bell, C. 1997. An open letter of appreciation and concern to the restoration community of the Mattole Watershed from the director of the Northern California Association of River Guides. Mattole Watershed Document #26. [9k]**

Brown, C. J. 1973. Standing crops and distribution of fishes in selected reaches of the Mattole River system.. California Department of Fish and Game. Bay Delta and Special Water Projects Division. Sacramento, CA. 10 pp. [85k]** 85k.

Busby, M. S. 1991. The abundance of epibenthic and planktonic macrofauna and feeding habits of juvenile fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Mattole River estuary/lagoon, Humboldt County, California. Master's thesis, Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. 146 pp [576kb]**

Busby, M. S. and R. A. Barnhart. 1995. Potential food sources and feeding ecology of juvenile fall chinook salmon in California's Mattole River lagoon. Calif. Fish and Game 81(4):133-146. [103k] **

Busby, M. S., R. A. Barnhart, and P. P. Petros. 1988. Natural resources of the Mattole River estuary, California: Natural resources and habitat inventory summary report. Bureau of Land Management agreement number CA-950-CA6-018. California Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. 83 pp. [380k] .**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1990. Memorandum to J. Steele, (CDFG) from l. Preston (CDFG), dated 30 May 1990. Subject: An Evaluation of Mattole River Chinook and Coho Salmon Decline; What is Known, Not Known and Why . CDFG. 5 pp. [22 kb]**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1990. Memorandum to W. Imboden, California Department of Forestry, from B. Curtis (CDFG), dated 13 June 1990, regarding CDFG concerns over cumulative adverse impacts to fishery resources in the Mattole River drainage. CDFG. 4 pp. [18kb]**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1991. Devils Creek stream inventory report. Text only. CDFG unpublished file memo. Fortuna, CA. 10 pp. [24k]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1991. Letter to Stan Dixon, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, from Banky Curtis (CDFG) clarifying the concept of zero net discharge of sediment in the Mattole watershed. Unpublished CDFG file memo. Eureka, CA. 3 pp. [14k]** 14k.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1991. Note from G. Flosi to L Preston, dated January 29, 1991, summarizing work completed by the California Conservation Corps, Salmon Restoration Project, crews on the Mattole River and its tributaries. . CDFG. 3pp. [7 kb]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1991. Oil Creek (Upper North Fork Mattole River tributary) stream inventory report. Text only. CDFG unpublished file memo. Fortuna, CA. 10 pp. [27k]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1992. Greenridge (Oil Creek tributary) stream inventory report. Text only. CDFG unpublished file memo. Fortuna, CA. 11pp. [28k]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1992. Rattlesnake Creek (Upper North Fork Mattole River tributary) stream inventory report. Text only. CDFG unpublished file memo. Fortuna, CA. 11pp. [27k]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1992. Squaw Creek (Mattole River tributary) stream inventory report Text only. CDFG unpublished file memo. Fortuna, CA. 13pp. [33k]

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1996. Memorandum to Mr. Joe Fassler from A.Gonzales (CDFG) dated October 5, 1996. Subject: Timber Harvest Plan 1-96-413 HUM . 2 pp. [32 kb]**

California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) . 2002. (October draft for public comment) Mattole River watershed technical support document for total maximum daily loads for sediment and temperature . North Coast Region, CRWQCB. Santa Rosa, CA. 133 pp [2.52Mb]

California Resources Agency. 1998. Imperiled Salmon Inspire Citizens to Restore Mattole River Watershed. California Biodiversity News. Volume 1, No. 5. [11k]**

Carkeet, R. 1967. An analysis of the North Fork Mattole River watershed . Unpublished class report. Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. 78 pp [4.2Mb]**

Elliot, R. L. 1995. Letter to D. Simpson and G.D. Peterson, regarding his review of the Five Year Plan. Redding, CA. 4 pp. [20kb]**

House, F. 1997. The Mattole Restoration Council: cooperation or conflict? Mattole Restoration Council. [11 kb]

Mattole Restoration Council. 1989. Elements of Recovery: An inventory of upslope sources of sedimentation in the Mattole River watershed with rehabilitation prescriptions and additional information for erosion control prioritization. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game. Petrolia, CA. 115 pp. [14.6Mb] **

Mattole Restoration Council. 1995. Dynamics of Recovery: A plan to enhance the Mattole estuary. Mattole Restoration Council. Petrolia, CA. 169 pp. [3.29Mb]**

Mattole Salmon Group. 1997. Mattole Salmon Recovery Progresses. A press release dated 3/7/96. Mattole Watershed Document #8. Petrolia, CA. [19k] **

Mattole Salmon Group (MSG). 2000. Mattole watershed year 2000 Vstar stream sediment survey summary report. Petrolia, CA. 1 p. [6k]**

Mattole Salmon Group (MSG). 2000. Table 1 from MSG's 5 Year Plan, showing overall summary of MSG natal stock propagation program, 1981-1982 through 1999-2000 seasons. Petrolia, CA. 2 pp. [12k] 12k.

Preston, L. n.d. A cursory evaluation of salmonid spawning and rearing conditions on Mattole River, Humboldt County. California Department of Fish and Game. Redding, CA. 47 pp. [433k]**

United States Department of Interior (USDI). 1995. Bear Creek Watershed Analysis. Bureau of Land Management. Arcata Resource Area. Arcata, CA. 92 pp. without appendix A [403k] **

United States Department of Interior (USDI). 1996. Honeydew Creek Watershed Analysis. Bureau of Land Management. Arcata Resource Area. Arcata, CA. 148 pp. [3.41Mb] **

United States Department of Interior (USDI). 2001. Mill Creek Watershed Analysis. Bureau of Land Management Arcata Resource Area. Arcata, CA. 22 pp. + plates, without appendices [8.33Mb] **

Van Kirk, S. 1858-1956. Historical newspaper accounts of Mattole Fisheries (1858-1956) . Assimilated by Susie Van Kirk. [73]

Van Kirk, S. 1998. Miscellaneous references compiled on Mattole River Valley (1998) . Assimilated by Susie Van Kirk. [11 kb]

Watershed Sciences. 2002. Aerial surveys in the Mattole River Basin: Thermal infrared and color videography. Final report. Corvallis, OR. 24 pp. [2.8Mb]





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