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KRIS Ten Mile Map Project: Timber Harvest Plans View

The California Department of Forestry in Santa Rosa provided the timber harvest plan (THP) maps from 1990 to 1999 and Matthews (2000) supplied older timber harvest estimates based on aerial photos. These comprise this KRIS Ten Mile Map THP View. Timber harvests in the Ten Mile basin can be viewed by year or by timber harvest type. Timber harvest may sometimes negatively impact salmonid habitat in northern California streams (NMFS, 1996). Consequently,  information about THPs is very useful for watershed assessment. 

tenthp.gif (382958 bytes) This image shows timber harvest plans (THPs)  approved by the CDF between 1990 and 1999 for the Ten Mile River basin. The South Fork Ten Mile basin, upper Middle Fork and portions of the lower North Fork basin have all been intensively logged since 1990.
thp_matt_ten.gif (124021 bytes)  This image shows timber harvests by period as reconstituted from aerial photos by Matthews (2000).  The first photo, taken in 1941  represents harvests as far back as 1933. The most recent period (1988-1999) was made transparent so that antecedent periods of logging could be viewed here. Almost half the basin was logged just prior to 1941 and very large areas were also harvested just prior to the 1955 and 1964 storms. Information about timber harvest timing and methods is useful for watershed assessment.


Matthews, Graham and Associates. 2000a. Sediment source analysis and preliminary sediment budget for the Ten Mile River, Mendocino County, CA. Prepared for Tetra Tech, Inc. VOLUME 1: Text, Tables, and Figures. Fairfax, VA. 143 pp.

Matthews, Graham and Associates. 2000b. Sediment source analysis and preliminary sediment budget for the Ten Mile River, Mendocino County, CA. Prepared for Tetra Tech, Inc. VOLUME 2: Appendices. Fairfax, VA. 59 pp.

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 1996. Factors for Decline: A supplement to the Notice of Determination for West Coast Steelhead under the Endangered Species Act. NMFS Protected Species Branch (Portland, OR) and NMFS Protected Species Management Division (Long Beach, CA). 82 pp. http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/1salmon/salmesa/pubs/stlhffd.pdf 

KRIS Ten Mile Map Views:

Fish and Aquatic Habitat


Timber Harvest Plans

Land Cover
