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1603 Permits

Stream and Lake Bed, Channel, and Bank Protection

Section 1600 of the California Fish and Game Code, and the sections which immediately follow, require that before any person, State or local governmental agency, or public utility undertakes any project that would obstruct the natural flow or substantially change the bed, channel, or bank of any river, stream, or lake designated by the Department of Fish and Game, they must first submit their project plans to the Department for its review and consultation concerning how the project might be made more protective of fish and wildlife resources.

Further information about how Fish and Game would like proponents to present information about their projects, the department's fees for reviewing project information, and other related information may be obtained at the Department's website .

Table of Contents for Background Pages

Stream Conditions: Water Quality Sediment Riparian Big Wood Habitat Types
Watershed Conditions: Vegetation Types Slope Stability Roads & Erosion Cumulative Impacts Urbanization
Fish & Aquatic Life: Fish Populations Amphibians Aquatic Insects Hatcheries Fish Disease
Restoration: Stream Clearance In-stream Structures Riparian Watershed Strategy
Geology / Hydrology: Geology Soils Precipitation Stream Flow Channel Processes
Policy & Regulation ESA TMDL Forest Rules 1603 Permits Water Rights